Musings on writing, M/M Fantasy and Erotic Romance, and life.

Authors for Authors

Today’s Authors for Authors comes from Elizabeth SaFleur:

What drove you to say, fuck it, I want to write whatever genre you write?

When my cousin asked what I was writing, she prefaced it with “I hope you aren’t writing 50 Shades of Grey” – as if that was the worst genre I could choose. Right then and there I decided it wouldn’t matter what genre I chose because someone would have something to say about it. In the end, I write erotic romance because that’s what I like to read. Most people in this world have sex, so leaving it out amongst characters just seemed silly to me. Sex is one of the most powerful forces on our planet and yet some people don’t want to talk about it or read it. I do not understand those people.

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When Yvette Sava takes a spill on the ice outside of her Washington, D.C hotel, she knows the handsome man that helps her up spells trouble. Ryan Knightbridge is strong, passionate and demanding—and far too young for her. But Ryan has waited a year for his chance with the lovely submissive, who withdrew from society following her high-profile divorce. Unable to resist his charm, Yvette agrees to spend two days and two nights with him, allowing herself to indulge in desires shuttered long ago—but with a clear deadline. Now, Ryan has one wintry weekend to prove to her she’s worthy of love—and he’s worthy of her submission.

6 responses

  1. aedmonds315

    I totally agree, We all do it and yet when a family member writes about it suddenly it’s taboo. It’s Bullshit! I went through the same thing with family. Write what you know and like. They’ll get over it and if they don’t Fuck em..

    Liked by 1 person

    August 25, 2014 at 7:11 pm

    • Can’t spend life pleasing everyone. As long as you can be happy writing in the genre you love, more power and love to you.


      August 26, 2014 at 4:54 am

    • That is so true Annie. I write mystery/suspense/thrillers because that is what i know and also because it is expected of me. What do I like? Erotica LoL Do I write about it? No! I worry about what others would think. I have written a few steamy books but I haven’t even thought about publishing them. I do admire those that do 🙂


      August 26, 2014 at 11:15 am

  2. aedmonds315

    Reblogged this on SEX w/ Annie, Let's Talk about Sex! and commented:
    Authors have to write what they know, or what they feel like writing regardless of who likes it..


    August 25, 2014 at 7:12 pm

  3. That is true, almost everyone has sex (but me LoL) It’s ridiculous that they can’t read about it because it’s a dirty subject. Could that be because they know that’s what they do? Hmm? They act like reading it in a book lets the entire world know they have sex and so what if it does? It’s good sex if done right hehe


    August 26, 2014 at 11:22 am

    • When I was little, my grandma used to read those Harlequin romances and giggle. I’m guessing she really the little bit of naughty. Why? Because she was human being, a woman before mother and grandmother.


      August 26, 2014 at 12:41 pm

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